Saturday, February 14, 2009

eM at home

Sorry people i got home this weekend so i couldn't update my blog. So i was talking about relationships. There are some very famous names that you'd love to know like Ruchik-Dimpy, Taheer-Sharmeen, Animesh-Ankita etc.( i cant think of more in my year) well these are some already existing lovely ( or,not so lovely) couples. But there are some brewing up ones too, trying to find their light in sun ( just one sided yaar, which are obviously boys), namely Arvind- Manzari, Shashank, and Siddu gave some girls chocolates too but i dont know them( sorry guys). By the way if you were wondering why these active primates were looking for a mate? Well, they have been looking for a long time but chocolate day celebration in college catalysed the reaction and sped it up. And, what about me, well getting dump is not what you want on such days. The girl i respected, i wanted to make friends with (i cant take her name or she'll hate me) refused to accept the item of proposal of my affection towards her. What has happened to this world yaar? I mean Ram Sene cant be only blamed, there are girls out there still living in 70s and I feel sorry for them as I know they are either going to end up alone or with some one they are forced to live with. This is what me thinks ( my frustration). Whenever I hear someone's getting dumped even myself, the lyrics of the very song 'i will survive' start humming in my mind. I mean kudos to Gloria Gaynor man, how well has she described the post breakup feel. I was haunted by the dumping for 12 hours (longest ever ) but then after listening to this song at least a zilliion times and of course that she denied other guys too, made my day and I was all over her and suddenly started seeing setbacks in her, she's short, she's unattractive, gloomy faced, I can go on and on and on coz I dont like her now in that way. Well some got what they wanted and some didnt but over and all the celebration was good.

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