Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Moral Police In India

We should stop pretending that we are a blooming democracy when in fact, the basic tenets of freedom of expression aren’t adhered to. Violations of freedom of expression in India are so common place nowadays that any protesting bloggers or any other group are considered recalcitrant. We like to trumpet the fact that India is the largest democracy and is a shining example to all those dictatorships around the world especially in our neighborhood. However, signs of a successful democracy isn’t restricted to throwing out the incompetent incumbents only to elect equally inept leaders but to ensure freedom in a complete sense. We have achieved political freedom from the British and only lately have we begun to experience economic freedom but we still remain hostage to the errant elements of the society.
The recent pub case in Mangalore was pathetic, I mean what will women have to do prove that they are as equal as men in countries in Asia where women and men equality is still a very big issue. Well, the most disappointing incident was the reaction by NCW and Renuka Chaudhry it seems like women empowering and personal political interests are colliding and the political interest has overpowered the other one.

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